Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Use for Parsley- in Pizza Dough

I know, I know, I keep talking about how hot it is in DC, and then I go and crank up the oven to make pizza.  You don't feel sorry for me anymore, I understand.

My love of pizza transcends the weather, what can I say.  This was an eggplant, red onion and olive pizza.  With a few pieces of pieces of prosciutto tossed onto husband's side for good measure.  

To avoid having the pizza become a watercolor lake scene,  I sliced the eggplant, salted it heavily, and let it drain in a colander for about an hour before putting it on the pizza.  Rinse the salt off thoroughly, and the eggplant is ready to go.  The salting process draws out the moisture before you put it in the oven,  avoiding the creation of a swampy mess on your pizza.

By the way, I am still carefully monitoring the progress of the one eggplant I have growing so far in the garden.  I feel like I should build it a house, or give it shoes or something, given how much time I spend worrying about it.  It's progressed from the size of a large grape to roughly the size of a soda can.  When do I pick it?? I am racked with indecision.  Who knows the answer?? Will it taste better if I pick it earlier?? Crazy city dweller, stressed about when to pick an eggplant, I know. 

Instead of eggplant bounty, I have more flat leaf Italian parsley growing in my garden than any reasonable person could safely incorporate into their dishes in a lifetime.  So, I've had to get stealthy.  I chopped several handfuls of parsley (and basil) and added them to the dough before baking.  The result was lovely.  The dough had a great texture, and the herbs made the whole pizza taste very fresh.  


Anonymous said...

I had prosciutto on a pizza in Geneva last week thinking it would be like salty girl pizza but it wasn't. Sad. No one seems to leave the prosciutto on the pizza while cooking so it doesn't get crispy.

blighter said...

"It's progressed from the size of a large grape to roughly the size of a soda can. When do I pick it?? I am racked with indecision. Who knows the answer?? Will it taste better if I pick it earlier??"

I'm hoping for a sequel to that children's classic "James and the Giant Peach". This time out it'll be "Mary and the Enormous Eggplant".

Oh the adventures you'll have!

Beware the Cloud Men, is all I have to say...